
The Food Mood Connection: Nutrition Essentials
for Mental Health

If you’re a therapist, wellness professional, or someone who struggles with mental health issues, you may be surprised by how much you can benefit from this 10-hour online course with Dr. Leslie Korn

“This course was fascinating!“

“I struggled for years physically and mentally until I improved my diet and started taking supplements. Making these changes have been completely life-changing.

Although I already understood the importance of nutrition and mental health due to my personal experience, I found the course highly valuable – it gave me a much firmer knowledge base.

Wow – the material on the importance of sleep and how to sleep better really hit me. That information was powerful. The material on bio-individuality was also highly useful.

I highly recommend this course to all therapists.

Why would you focus solely on the psychological aspects of mental health problems when nutrition is increasingly shown to help improve mood – and sometimes more effectively than psychotherapy?

Therapists and others struggling with mental health issues need this information and should seriously consider taking this course.”

Karen Triggs

Psychosexual Therapist, Art Therapist &
Relationship Counsellor, Sydney, Australia

Nutrition Has Been Ignored in Mental Health
Treatment for Far Too Long…

While you likely understand that poor nutrition plays a role in physical illness, how aware are you of the critical relationship between nutrition and mental health?

Like many helping professionals, you may think that mental health issues are solely biochemical-based or psychologically-rooted as a result of trauma.

HOWEVER, this is far from the truth.

Research is increasingly showing that nutrition plays a key role in contributing to – and even causing – mental health problems.

Nutritional neuroscience is an emerging field showing how intertwined food and nutrients are with psychological health and cognitive health, and performance.

In some cases, improving nutrition alone has been shown to alleviate depression, anxiety and even more serious mental health issues.

If you’re someone who believes that therapy or medication is the only way to improve psychological problems, you may find it hard to believe that sometimes mental health issues can be caused by nutritional deficiencies.

Yet, there is a growing body of evidence that shows this to be true.

It’s time for all clinicians and consumers to stop ignoring this critical information for the benefit of ourselves and our clients.


Beyond Mental Health Problems - Good Nutrition Can Boost Mood and Enhance Mental Clarity and Cognitive Functioning

In addition to helping overcome mental health issues, research indicates that you can improve your overall brain health by eating a diet rich in nutrients.

Mood, memory, and mental clarity, including focus and concentration, have all been shown to improve when eating the right foods. As the interview in Bonus 2 shows (see below), even Alzheimer’s can be fought with nutrition.

So, even if you don’t have a mental health problem, you or your clients can benefit a great deal by increasing your understanding of the role nutrition plays in mental performance.

Is this you?

If you fit into one or more of the 3 categories below, this course is for you:

  • As a therapist or wellness professional, you get frustrated when clients don’t seem to improve with therapy as much as you’d hoped they would.
  • You’ve struggled with mental health issues and haven’t received the level of relief you desire.
  • You’d love to learn more about mental health and nutrition to improve your or your clients’ ability to improve mood, optimize brain function, and prevent disease.

What You’ll Discover By Taking This Course:

  • Myths about nutrition that you hear over and
    over again
  • How food acts as medicine for mental health issues
  • How mental health overlaps with physical health
  • Nutritional alternatives to pharmaceuticals that can sometimes work as well as traditional medication
  • Specific foods that can help relieve mental
    health issues
  • Micronutrients recommended to treat and optimize mental health
  • How to enhance cognitive function (e.g., mental clarity, concentration, etc.)
  • How to advise clients on nutrition and when you need to refer to a nutrition specialist
  • A diet that can help prevent Alzheimer’s
  • How to keep your brain healthy and prevent mental health problems and cognitive decline

“It’s time that nutrition played a much larger role in mental health.”

“As someone who has multiple sclerosis and who  works with clients struggling with eating disorders, I found this course to be highly valuable.

Much of the material wasn’t new to me due to my experiences, but it was a great affirmation and has inspired me to read more in this area and incorporate nutritional questions for clients in my intake form.

I had no idea about the benefits of some of the nutrients Dr. Korn referred to in the course so was glad to learn about them. Having been reminded about the importance of nutrition and mental health, I intend to find a practitioner that I can refer my clients to for help with nutrition.

This course is extremely helpful for those who have a nutritional background but don’t have a mental health understanding. It’s also useful for therapists who have the psychological understanding but not a background in nutrition. It’s time that nutrition played a much larger role in mental health.”

Carol Fredrek

Psychologist, Anxiety and
Eatings Disorders Therapist

Meet Your Trainer, Dr. Leslie Korn
Author and Harvard Medical School Trained
Traumatologist Specializing in Nutritional and Herbal Medicine for Mental Health

Dr. Korn has a Ph.D. in Behavioral Medicine from the Union Institute, a MA in Cross Cultural Health Psychology from Lesley University, and a MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health.

She has served as a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School, clinical director of the New England School of Acupuncture, associate professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and on the faculty of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine and Lesley University.

She is the research director at the Center for World Indigenous Studies.

She is a licensed mental health counselor, Approved Clinical Supervisor, and is national board-certified in both Polarity therapy (energy medicine) and Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.

Dr. Korn is also the author of 9 books on integrative mental health.

We’re thrilled that we were able to get Dr. Korn to take time out of her busy schedule to create this course with us.

The course details are below, but, if you already
know you want to sign-up, here you go…

1 payment - $347


*A payment plan option is available at the checkout.

Key Topics in the 12 Pre-recorded Course Modules
*All modules include videos, audios and transcripts

Module 1: Introduction and
Principles of Effective Treatment

In Module 1, Dr. Korn begins to answer the following questions which she expands upon in Modules 2-9:

  • How does diet influence mental health?
  • How is nutritional and culinary medicine applied for mental health?
  • How do you know what to eat to match your bio-individuality?
  • How do you work with clients’ belief systems to help clients improve their nutrition?
  • How do pharmaceuticals fit into the picture of nutrition and mental health?
  • How important is food quality?
  • What kinds of foods do you prepare, and how do you prepare them?

As others have noted, the first module offers so much interesting information that you’ll be compelled to continue watching the lessons right away.

Module 2:
Diet Essentials for Mental Health

In this module, Dr. Korn explains her model, the “Brainbow Blueprint” for nutrition and mental health.

Beginning with how to assess what diet is right for you or for your clients, Dr. Korn explains the important role of digestion in mental health and explores key foods we need for our brains to function optimally.

She discusses the one type of food that we should all avoid as it plays such a big role in mood and the one kind of food that is absolutely essential for good mental health.

Module 3:
Nutrition & Mental Health Ethics

If you’re a health professional other than one who is trained to offer nutritional advice, Dr. Korn guides you through the ethics of how to use the information offered in this course with clients.

Dr. Korn gives clear examples of what you can and can’t say to clients while staying within the ethics, laws, and scope of practice for your profession. She also offers advice on when you need to refer to an appropriate professional.

It’s important to know the literature on mental health and nutrition to provide options to clients, even if you don’t prescribe medication or recommend nutrition protocols. 

Module 4: Circadian Rhythm,
Nutrition and Mental Health

It’s not all about nutrition alone says, Dr. Korn. In module 4 she explains the relationship between stress, trauma, circadian rhythm, and nutrition.

Dr. Korn shares how our 24-hour sleep-wake cycle can play a role in mood disorders, and when it’s disrupted by stress we experience ill health. It can lead to depression, insomnia, as well as other health symptoms.

In this module, you’ll see how the circadian rhythm can be balanced using nutritional therapies to reduce stress, improve mood and boost energy. 

Module 5:
Digestion and Mental Health

There is a strong link between mental health and our digestive system. In fact, the digestive system is often referred to as the “second brain.”

In module 5, Dr. Korn explains how emotional stress and digestive stress are related. Chronic emotional stress leads to inflammation which contributes to depression and self-medicating behaviors, not to mention a host of physical health problems.

When inflammation is reduced, stress is reduced, leading to improved mood.

How do you reduce inflammation?

By using the natural anti-inflammatories that Dr. Korn describes in this module.

Module 6: Culinary Medicine for
Mental Health - Part 1

In module 6, Dr. Korn explains how to cook and eat to maintain blood glucose levels because they’re entwined with mood.

The module focuses on choosing and preparing foods while keeping nutrition in mind. Dr. Korn goes into great detail about the best foods to prepare to optimize mental health.

Module 7: Culinary Medicine
for Mental Health - Part 2

In this module, Dr. Korn names the foods that one should NOT be eating- foods that contribute to or even cause mental health problems.

Fortunately, she also suggests healthy foods that can be substituted for unhealthy ones to make the transition to a healthier diet easier.

Finally, Dr. Korn shares some examples of diets from around the world and discusses some of the common diets that are healthy and popular today.

Module 8: Nutritional Therapies
for Mental Health - Part 1

Module 8 focuses on how to address mental health issues with nutritional supplementation while keeping biochemical individuality in mind.

Dr. Korn explains how high doses of specific supplements can manage, reduce, or even eliminate symptoms used with or without pharmaceuticals.

She explains her process for assessing what a client needs in terms of supplementation, how to monitor progress, and how to add or alter nutrients as necessary.

Module 9: Nutritional Therapies
for Mental Health - Part 2

In this final module, Dr. Korn explains how to move forward with the information in this course.

She describes how to find the appropriate practitioners as a clinician or as a consumer and reveals where to get top quality pharmaceutical-grade quality nutrients and food resources.

Module 10, 11 & 12:
Bio-Individuality and Genomics

Modules 10 and 11 focus on how each of us has our own unique bio-individuality based in part on the diets of our ancestors. Dr. Korn explains that some of us are inherently more sensitive to what we eat than others, and often attuning our diet to our ancestors can help improve mental health issues.

In Module 12, Dr. Korn discusses research about specific genes that may make one more susceptible to mental illness and cognitive decline. She addresses the specific nutrients that can correct some of these issues, sometimes dramatically. (Bonus 3 below offers a case study of a woman who suffered from bipolar disorder, which was caused in part by her genetics).

There’s more…
You Also Get 8 Bonuses With This Course…

Bonus 1 [Video Interview]

Dr. Brooke Myers Sorger – How Brooke Improved Her Mood With Nutrition [Video, Audio & Transcript]

In this fascinating interview psychologist Dr. Brooke Myers Sorger shares how she spent many years living in “darkness” in a highly stressed mental state, struggling with emotional and physical health issues.

She displays her enthusiasm for the profound changes she has made in her life and in the life of her family since learning about the role of nutrition in mental health from Dr. Korn.

Brooke also discusses how she’s using what she has learned with her clients in her private therapy practice.

Brooke’s enthusiasm for the amazing impact nutrition can have on mental health may just rub off on you.

Bonus 2 [Video Interview]

Amy Berger – Fighting Alzheimer’s With A Ketogenic Diet [Video, Audio & Transcript]

In this interview, nutritionist Amy Berger shares how she became an expert on the ketogenic diet. She now recommends the diet for Alzheimer’s disease and has written a book on the topic.

Amy discusses the research on the growing incidence of Alzheimer’s and why it is now often referred to as Type 3 Diabetes. The death rate of those dying from Alzheimer’s is exploding, and we’re all at risk of developing it, especially if we have an unhealthy diet.

Since Alzheimer’s begins in the brain decades before any symptoms appear, you might want to find out more about how to get a handle on this horrible disease.

Bonus 3 [Video Interview]

Overcoming a Severe Mental Health Issue With Diet And Nutrient Supplementation – Interview With Carrie Brown [Video, Audio & Transcript]

Carrie Brown is a podcast co-host, former pastry chef, and author of 5 cookbooks.

In this interview, Carrie shares her amazing story of suffering from a severe mental health issue where she was depressed and suicidal for many years.

In spite of years of EMDR therapy and psychiatric treatment, her problems persisted. It was only when she changed her diet and did genetic testing that she found the solutions to her depression.

Carrie shares how she “cured” (her words) her depression by embarking on a specific diet and supplementing with a nutrient that her body was unable to methylate due to a genetic mutation.

Carrie is now a happy, functional person who experiences positive and stable emotions for the first time in her life.

This truly is an inspiring story!

Bonus 4 [Video Interview]

Dr. Julia Rucklidge – Micronutrients – An Aid To Mental Health [Video, Audio & Transcript]

Dr. Julia Rucklidge is a Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Canterbury and the Director of the Mental Health and Nutrition Research Lab in New Zealand.

In this interview, Dr. Rucklidge shares key findings of her extensive body of research in the last 12 years on how micronutrients improve mental health.

Her research has shown that some people who were not getting better with psychotherapy improved within only a couple of weeks after taking micronutrients (via supplements).

Dr. Rucklidge also discusses her remarkable research after the 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. The people in her study who were taking micronutrients before the earthquake and those taking them afterward faired far better in terms of stress symptoms than those who did not take additional supplements

Dr. Rucklidge also generously shared her extensive resource list on micronutrients that help improve mental health, which is offered as part of this course (See Bonus 8 below).

Bonus 5 [Video Interview]

Interview With Frances Fuller – Orthomolecular Psychiatry [Video, Audio & Transcript]

Frances Fuller is an orthomolecular nutrition consultant trained by the now deceased, Dr. Abram Hoffer, a pioneer in orthomolecular psychiatry.

In this interview, she shares the history of Dr. Hoffer’s work and her over 40 years of work in this field.

Frances and Dr. Hoffer have helped thousands of people improve or overcome even the most severe mental health issues using high doses of nutritional supplements.

You won’t want to miss this interview.

Bonuses 6, 7 & 8 [3 PDF Documents]

When You Register For This Course, You’ll Also Have Access To 3 PDF Documents Including:

Bonus 6: A 22-page Resource List on Nutrition and Mental Health

We’ve put together this extensive list of nutrition and mental health resources. The list includes books, articles, podcasts, and names of experts in the field.

Bonus 7: Dr. Korn’s Recipes for Mental Health

Dr. Korn has shared some of her key recipes for mental health. If you’re stumped for what to prepare to improve nutrition in your diet, these will get you started.

Bonus 8: Dr. Julia Rucklidge’s 10-page Resource – Micronutrients:
An Aid to Mental Health

Dr. Rucklidge (see also Bonus Interview 4) has put together a detailed list of specific nutrients for mental health, including what brands to buy and where to purchase them. The document includes specific questions she has been asked about her research and how to supplement with nutrients.

This document is so comprehensive that it could save you several hundred dollars because it could prevent you from paying to get this information from a nutrition professional.

“Oh my gosh, this course opened up a whole new world
that I didn’t know about!”

“I was really intrigued by the content, particularly around bio-individuality as well as how to frame mental health discussions around food and traditions when working with clients from other cultures.

I have many clients in my therapy practice who struggle with sleep, stress, diet, anxiety, etc. Leslie spoke about so many ways that nutrition can impact mental health. As I listened to her, I could ‘hear’ my clients in what she spoke about. I’m already finding that I’m recommending her work to them.

From an accessibility/universal design perspective, the mix of audio, video and transcripts in this course made consuming the content barrier-free. Thanks for that!

Leslie has such a calm and engaging way of presenting. Her information was dense but so interesting, and her delivery method made the material easy to digest.  Anyone who takes this course can benefit greatly from this information.”

charlotte dove

St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada

Recording of a Live Q&A Webinar

When you join us for this course, you’ll  also get a recording of a Q&A Webinar with Dr. Leslie Korn.  

Dr. Korn answers some of the most common questions that are asked about nutrition and mental health.

If, after watching all the modules and the bonus materials, you still have questions, you can easily scan the questions in this session looking for your answers.


“This course offered a wealth of information.”

“It shows how, as therapists, we need to take into account the whole ecology of the person when working with our clients. This is especially true with my clients who have complex PTSD – Treatment needs to be approached from multiple angles and be individualised in order to be effective.

I had an interest in mental health and nutrition before, but the course reinforced the idea that I should be regularly checking in with clients about their nutrition and increasing their awareness of its impacts on mood. I particularly enjoyed the information about vitamins and the exciting new role they play in mental health. There was a lot of vital information for me that I can use with clients.

I highly recommend this well-designed course – it’s fantastic information that you can add to your toolkit!

Clinton and Juliet – you offer amazing courses through the Mind Body Training Institute. Thank you!

philipa thorton

Sydney, Australia

Ready to join us?

The course has 10+ hours of high-value content that you can download and keep forever, plus extra learning materials. If you truly want to provide the best care possible for yourself or your clients, you’ll want to be aware of the growing body of information that shows how nutrition impacts mental health.


As a past participant of this course stated…

“Why focus solely on treating the psychological aspects of mental health problems when nutrition is increasingly shown to help improve mood – and sometimes more effectively than psychotherapy?”


If you agree with the above statement, registering for this course is a no-brainer…

1 payment - $347


*A payment plan option is available at the checkout.

Summary of What You Get in This Self-Study Course

  • 12 pre-recorded Modules on the science and practice of using nutrition for mental health
  • 5 pre-recorded Bonus Interviews with experts on mental health and nutrition
  • 1 pre-recorded Q&A Webinar with Dr. Leslie Korn 
  • A 10-page list of Research on Micronutrients and Recommended Products for Mental Health
  • A 25-page Resource List on Nutrition and Mental Health  
  • A PDF document with some of Dr. Korn’s delicious recipes for mental health
  • Downloadable videos for each module and bonus interview
  • Downloadable audios for each module and bonus interview 
  • Downloadable word-for-word transcripts for each module and bonus interview
  •  Worksheets for each module to help integrate your learning
  •  The ability to download all materials and keep them forever (Yay!)
  •  Certificate of completion for 10 hours of instruction
  • A 7-day money-back guarantee

Test the course out for 7 days. If the course isn’t what you expected, you can ask for your money back…

1 payment - $347


*A payment plan option is available at the checkout.

Not Sure This Course is for You?

Perhaps you’re on the fence about taking this course for one or more of these reasons:

1. I already know that healthy eating is important for mental health, what else can I possibly learn by taking this course?

You might be someone who already eats healthy, so you don’t believe there is much more that you can learn. Perhaps you’re right.

However, this course goes much deeper into what constitutes “healthy eating,” and much of the content may surprise you.

Unless you’ve been extensively studying the latest research and thinking in this field, we can pretty much guarantee that some of the information will not only be new to you, it could be mindboggling.


Because some of the material in this course goes against conventional wisdom. It busts myths about nutrition that are based on bad science, confusing science, or no science that are perpetuated in popular media.

2. Mental health problems are caused by trauma. How can nutrition possibly make that much of a difference in mental health?

There is a growing body of evidence that poor nutrition can exacerbate mental health issues…

AND, in some cases, poor nutrition can even be the cause of mental health concerns.

If you’re someone who has struggled with your mental health and has not considered the role your diet may be playing in your symptoms, you could be doing yourself a great disservice.

OR, if you’re a therapist who is trained in trauma theory and methods but wonders why some of your clients don’t get better, you may find the answer in this course.

3. I’m a psychotherapist or wellness professional who is not in a nutrition profession. I don’t want to become a nutrition specialist or violate the ethics oR LAWS OF my profession by giving nutritional advice.

Yes, if you’re a psychotherapist, you won’t be officially consulting with clients solely on nutrition. However, as Dr. Korn explains in the Ethics module (Module 3) of the course, there are specific things you can say to your clients about nutrition that can greatly enhance the therapy work you’re doing with them.

AND you can do this within your ethical guidelines.

Further, understanding the importance of mental health and nutrition will help you know when to refer your clients to appropriate professionals.

4. I’ve struggled with mental health issues forever. I’ve tried to eat healthier but I always slide back to unhealthy ways of eating. I’m concerned that I’ll take this course and then won’t apply what I learn.

Changing one’s diet can be challenging. Just because you may not have succeeded in the past with making dietary changes, that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful now.

When you really dig down deep to learn about nutrition, you may become more motivated to make even small dietary changes.

5. I’ve tried changing diets or taking supplements but it didn’t make any difference in my mental health.

Changes in nutrition may not help some people – or at least not in a noticeable way. If you’ve made an exhaustive effort to change your diet and tried supplements to no avail, you might want to forgo taking this course.

If, however, you feel you want to learn more about nutrition and mental health, then you might want to take advantage of the wealth of information offered here. And who knows, you might learn something new that you can try that may end up working for you?

The bottom line is…

If you truly want to improve your own mental health or provide the best care possible for your clients, you’ll want to be aware of the growing body of information that shows how nutrition impacts on mental health.

Get started on the path of using nutrition to improve mental health for yourself or your clients…

1 payment - $347


*A payment plan option is available at the checkout.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

The course is geared for psychotherapists, naturopaths, and other wellness professionals.

It is also useful for those who have a mental health condition or want to boost their mental health and cognitive abilities.

It’s pre-recorded and 100% self-study. You’ll have access to all modules and bonuses as soon as you register. You can watch the videos, listen to the audios, and/or read the transcripts at your convenience.


ONE PAYMENT OPTION:  $197 (Reduced from $397)
$197 CAD for Canadian residents (No GST)
$197 AUD  for Australian and New Zealand residents (Australians add GST)
$197 USD for Americans and all other residents.
 2 monthly payments of $110 (Reduced from 2 x $185)
2 payments of $110 CAD spaced 30 days apart (for Canadian residents – No GST)
2 payments of $110 AUD spaced 30 days apart (Australian residents add GST)
2 payments of $110 USD for USA and all other residents.

Yes, you can pay via phone.
Please call 1. 604.730.8844 to make a payment via telephone.
If you’re in Australia call: +61 412 241 410

We have a 7-day refund policy. You can check out the course within 7 days of registering and if it’s not for you, you can ask for a full refund.

For all participants, you can download your certificate of completion for 10 professional development hours once you pass the short course quiz.


We are not officially approved for CEU’s in the USA. However, we will give you a certificate of completion for 10 hours of professional development. You’ll have to check with your professional association or licensing board to see if they will give you credit for the course.


The course is approved for 10 OPD (ongoing professional development) points for members of the Australia Counselling Association (ACA).


We are not officially approved for CEU’s in Canada. However, we will give you a certificate of completion. You’ll have to check with your professional association to see if they will give you credit for the course.

You will have access to the materials in the learning center for 180 days (6 months) from the date you signed up for the course.

However, you can download all materials and save them forever.

“This course is INCREDIBLE!”

“I loved it! Wow-what timing. I was so hooked on it that I set my alarm extra early to continue the course the next day.

This is such an important course on the direct link between physical and mental health, a topic that is completely neglected in therapist training. It was easy to follow and Leslie’s presentation style is inspiring. I’m excited to do more training with her.

The course is a ‘must take’ for those wanting to improve their own or their clients’ lives.”

jordan thomas

London, Ontario, Canada

Take the course for a
7-DAY test drive!

You have 7 days from your date of purchase to check out the course. If you decide the course is not what you want, we’ll refund 100% of your fee.

save now

1 payment - $347


*A payment plan option is available at the checkout.

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