Nutrition Has Been Ignored in Mental Health
Treatment for Far Too Long…
While you likely understand that poor nutrition plays a role in physical illness, how aware are you of the critical relationship between nutrition and mental health?
Like many helping professionals, you may think that mental health issues are solely biochemical-based or psychologically-rooted as a result of trauma.
HOWEVER, this is far from the truth.
Research is increasingly showing that nutrition plays a key role in contributing to – and even causing – mental health problems.
Nutritional neuroscience is an emerging field showing how intertwined food and nutrients are with psychological health and cognitive health, and performance.
In some cases, improving nutrition alone has been shown to alleviate depression, anxiety and even more serious mental health issues.
If you’re someone who believes that therapy or medication is the only way to improve psychological problems, you may find it hard to believe that sometimes mental health issues can be caused by nutritional deficiencies.
Yet, there is a growing body of evidence that shows this to be true.
It’s time for all clinicians and consumers to stop ignoring this critical information for the benefit of ourselves and our clients.