
Therapists Who Work with Men, Women or Couples:

What You Need to Know About the Leading Views on Men’s Sexuality

Become a more competent and in-demand therapist…

Get up-to-date on these sometimes surprising, sometimes shocking, and sometimes mind-boggling perspectives on men’s sexuality

A Comprehensive Online Self-Study Course with 12.5 Hours of Instruction


This course may challenge what you believe to be true about male sexuality.

It may make you uncomfortable at times.

It may conflict with your values.

Ultimately – IF you keep an open mind – this course may transform the way you think about men’s sexuality. And it will improve your work with ALL of your clients, whether they are men, women or couples.

Joe is brilliant. He is tackling really hard stuff that no one is talking about. There is such a huge need for this work.

Being a woman, I had a hard time with some of the material, but I am glad I stuck with it because I learned a lot. I have a much larger context and framework for dealing with men’s sexuality. The information on how men’s and women’s sexuality is different, sexual fluidity as well as infidelity and the new monogamy is all hugely important information.

I am now able to talk much more openly and directly with couples and men around sexuality. The other day I had a male client who cheated with his wife and I was able to have a straight talk with him about it after watching only a few of the videos. The course has inspired me to hire a man for my associate practice and have him train with Joe. Joe is brilliant, He is tackling really hard stuff that no one is talking about. There is such a huge need for this work. Thanks so much for this opportunity!

Edel Walsh

Relationship and Couples Therapist, Vancouver, BC, Canada

90% of Therapists Don’t Have Any Sex Therapy or Sexual Health Training - Do you?

That’s right.

It has been estimated that as few as 10% of therapists have any training on sexuality or sex therapy. Chances are you’re one of these therapists.

This figure is alarming considering many clients – men, women and couples – present with sexual concerns, or once they enter therapy underlying sexual problems emerge that are effecting their lives and relationships.

What Happens When You're Uninformed, Out of Date in Your Views, or Feel Uncomfortable Talking About Sex in the Therapy Room?

  • You may avoid asking your clients important questions about their sex life. This could negatively impact the outcome of treatment.
  • You risk labeling your clients’ behaviors as pathological when they may not be at all. They may simply be outside the “norm” and require a knowledgeable, open-minded therapist who can help them accept their sexual interests and help them engage in sexual behaviors that are safe.
  • If you’re uncomfortable talking about sexual issues – you may unintentionally evoke feelings of shame in your client.
  • You may pass on your biases onto your clients, exacerbating their problems.
  • With couples, you may unwittingly side with one of the partners inappropriately and damage the other partner, causing more problems in the relationship.
  • You may assume that some aspects of sexuality can be changed when evidence is shown to the contrary. Again, this can be extremely damaging to clients.

It's great to hear someone talking about this - it fills a huge gap. I loved it all. It's fantastic.

Joe is amazing! His material built on things I knew and added so much more – new information and new perspectives. Our society defines “normal” sexuality so narrowly. Joe showed how in reality our sexual practices, preferences, and orientations are much more diverse. It’s so important to get these issues out there.

I see so many men in my practice with shame around sex and sexuality. I struggle to find good information about it. It’s so great to hear someone talking about this – it fills a huge gap. I loved it all. It’s fantastic.

Jay Blevins

Therapist, MS, LMFT, Madison, Wisconsin

A Leading-edge Comprehensive Self-Study Course on Men’s Sexuality:

Busting Myths About Male Sexuality: Implications for Therapy with Men, Women and Couples

There have been many alternative views on sexuality evolving over the past several years – much of it supported by research. You may not be up-to-date on this information.

This course is offered as a way to educate you, as an individual or couples therapist, about some of these perspectives so you can become a more competent therapist.

Here’s How You Can Benefit By Taking This Course

  • Be an informed therapist about the latest thinking and research in male sexuality and how to use it to help your clients focus on their sexual health.
  • Become more comfortable talking about sexuality in all its forms with your clients whether they are men, women or couples.
  • Learn ways to de-pathologize your clients and reduce shame by helping them focus on how they can become more sexually healthy.
  • Understand the concept of sexual fluidity and how it impacts on clients who are struggling with their sexuality, and how it can cause problems in relationships when couples don’t understand it or talk about it.
  • Stretch your beliefs – and maybe even transform some of them – in a way that increases your knowledge and skills and helps you get better outcomes with your clients.
  • Feel confident knowing you have the skills to work with any client regardless of their sexual or erotic orientation.
  • Help women understand male sexuality so they’re more likely to get their needs met.
  • Understand what can and cannot be altered when it comes to erotic orientation and sexual behaviors, and how to help clients be more accepting of their sexuality.

1 payment - $347


Joe Kort

Dr. Joe Kort - A Leading Sex Therapist and Author

The course is taught by Dr. Joe Kort, a clinical sexologist and relationship therapist who has been practicing for over 35 years. He treats straight and gay men, women, and couples presenting with a wide variety of relationship and sexual problems. He is a leading expert on sexuality, men’s sexuality, and alternative sexuality and lifestyles. He presents workshops nationally and is the co-director of Modern Sex Therapy Institutes.

Dr. Kort writes for Huffington Post, Psychology Today and has been interviewed and mentioned regularly in the New York Times on various issues. He is the author of 6 books. Below are just a few of the many endorsements he has received on his books:

About the book, “Gay Affirmative Therapy for the Straight Clinician: The Essential Guide,” The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy states that the book is “enlightening, instructive, and jam-packed with essential information for any straight clinician working with gay, lesbian, and transgendered clients. I am pleased to recommend it very highly.”

About the book, “Is My Husband Gay, Straight, Or Bi?: A Guide for Women Concerned About Their Men,” Evelyn Resh, Sexuality Counselor, states the book is “written with the experienced and kind voice of an expert sex-therapist. Kort explores variations of human sexual behavior with well-deserved authority. This book is illuminating reading for couples in distress and a “must-read” for anyone who works in the field of sexual health.”

1 payment - $347


Here is what you’ll learn in the 6 modules of this online self-study course:

Module 1: Understanding Healthy Male Sexuality: An Alternative View

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

This first module lays the groundwork for healthy male sexuality, which may be different from what you think it looks like. Dr. Kort describes some of the consequences of male socialization on men and provides an overview of core principles of therapy with men and their partners when they present with sexual issues.

Module 2: The Reality of Male Sexual Fluidity

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

In this module, Dr. Kort describes the fluidity of sexuality illustrating that not everyone fits neatly into the categories of “straight,” “gay,” or “bisexual.” He discusses the difference between sexual identity, sexual behavior, and sexual fantasies, and how to help your clients determine where their desires lie in these areas. Dr. Kort also addresses issues that gay men struggle with, particularly in the coming out process.

Module 3: Men’s Use of Pornography and its Impact on Relationships

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

This may be the most controversial and surprising module out of the six. What Dr. Kort has to say about pornography may be challenging to hear – it is likely different from what you have been told. It challenges common assumptions about sex addiction and pornography addiction. You will learn the common problems men and their female partners present with in therapy around pornography, when sex and pornography is truly a problem for clients, and when and how to work with it in therapy.

Module 4: The Kinky Lives of Men

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

This module focuses on kinks and the many forms they come in. As Dr. Kort explains, there are many types of kinks that men present with in therapy. He discusses how to treat men and their female partners who may be disturbed by these desires, and how to help them deal with these behaviors in a healthy way.

Module 5: Treating Male Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

This module will help you understand male sexual abuse and how to work with male survivors of sexual abuse. You’ll discover the sexual issues that these men have to cope with including sexual disorientation, sexual compulsions, kinky sexual interests and sexual dysfunctions. He describes the difference between trauma-reenactment and trauma play. Additionally, Dr. Kort offers advice for assessing and treating these men.

Module 6: Infidelity and the New Monogamy

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

In this final module, Dr. Kort discusses how he works with couples where a betrayal has occurred. In addition, he discusses the treatment of heterosexual couples who enter therapy when the husband comes out as gay and the various options that are available for these couples. Finally, Dr. Kort discusses the various types of open or polyamorous relationships and common problems these couples have.

You Get the 6 Modules Described Above, PLUS, 6 Bonus Interviews with These Leading Sex Therapists and Sexuality Researchers:

Bonus 1: The Myth of Sex Addiction with Dr. David Ley

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

‘Sex addiction’ is a popular term in our culture and also amongst therapists. And yet, the DSM-5 does not include the term in its manual due to lack of evidence. In addition, the American Society of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (ASSECT) does not accept the term. Finally, there is a growing number of sex therapists and researchers that agree.

Dr. David Ley, author of the book, The Myth of Sex Addiction  is one of these therapists. In this interview, he states that the term, ‘sex addiction” is based on pseudo-science, is not supported by research, and involves moral and cultural judgments. He describes the harm that is done when labeling people as “sex addicts” and describes more effective ways of viewing and treating out of control sexual behaviors.

Bonus 2: Treating Out of Control Sexual Behaviors with Therapists Douglas Braun-Harvey and Michael A. Vigorito

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

Authors of the book, Treating Out of Control Sexual Behaviors: Rethinking Sex Addiction Douglas Braun-Harvey and Michael A. Vigorito discuss how to assess and treat men’s out of control sexual behaviors. Like Dr. Kort and other leaders in the sexual health field, they askew the “sexual addiction” model and provide an alternative model for assessing and treating out of control sexual behaviors. Their model of treating out of control sexual behaviors is based on a set of principles, as opposed to moral values. It is quite brilliant.

Bonus 3: The Neuroscience of Viewing Pornography with Dr. Nicole Prause

[Audio & Transcript]

Dr. Nicole Prause is a neuroscientist who specializes in studying sexual motivation. She explains how neuroscientific research has been misinterpreted to inaccurately support the sex addiction model, when in fact the data does not support this. If you are wondering how to sort through the confusing claims about neuroscience and “sex addiction”, this interview is a gem.

Bonus 4: Straight Men Who Have Sex with Men with Dr. Jane Ward

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

The topic of sexual fluidity is becoming increasingly accepted in the sexual health field. In this interview, Jane Ward, professor of gender and sexuality studies at University of California and author of Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men, discusses her research on the topic of men who have sex with men and it’s institutional and cultural contexts. Dr. Ward is a brilliant thinker and researcher – you are bound to find this interview as fascinating as we did.

Bonus 5: Treating Men Who Have Been Sexually Abused with Dr. Michael Aaron

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

Dr. Aaron is a nationally certified sex therapist and clinical sexologist and author of the book, Modern Sexuality: Uncovering the Truth About Sex and Relationships.

In this interview, he discusses the factors involved in whether or not the sexual abuse of men is experienced as traumatic, whether it causes kinks and fetishes, and how he treats it in his practice from a harm reduction or sexual health model. If you want to hear an expert who is well-versed in both research and treatment of male sexual abuse, you’ll want to listen to this interview.

Bonus 6: Healthy Sex for Men [and Women] After 50 with Dr. Laurie Betito

[Video, Audio & Transcript]

Dr. Betito has practiced sex therapy for over 30 years. She is the author of The Sex Bible For People Over 50: The Complete Guide To Sexual Love For Mature Couples and can be heard nightly in Montreal on CJAD 800 Radio on her show Passion where she and her guests provide sexual information and advice. It has been on the air for over 16 years and has always been number one in its time slot.

In this interview, Dr. Betito states that sex can be highly pleasurable after 50. She also discusses common sexual problems that occur for men [and women] over 50 and how she treats these issues in therapy.

2 Q&A Video Recordings - 31 Questions Answered by Dr. Kort [Video with Time-Stamps]

In addition to the 6 modules and 6 bonuses, you get 2 Q&A recordings where Dr. Kort answers the top questions he’s been asked about male sexuality.

We’ve made these video recordings super easy for you. The 31 questions are time-stamped and written out so that you can easily move to the specific answer you want to listen to.

Joe shows you how to ask clients the tough sexual questions and makes it seem so normal.

I first met Joe when he presented at a conference I attended – his presentation was so engaging and uplifting. He has a presence that commands attention and makes you want to learn. He really knows his stuff and has a special way of helping you understand such difficult concepts and check your biases. Joe shows you how to ask clients the tough sexual questions and makes it seem so normal. I am now more knowledgeable with information to help individual and couple clients who have sexual problems. In the 3 yrs I have known Joe, my practice has grown exponentially because of what I have learned from him.

Joanie Fink-Arney

 MS, LMHP, LPC, NCC, Omaha, Nebraska

Here is a summary of everything you get in this self-study course:

Pre-recorded Videos of each of the 6 Modules

Watch the modules via video streaming on our site. Or, you can download the videos to your computer. You can watch them over and over again if you like. After all, you can keep them forever and ever.

Audio Recordings for Each of the 6 Modules

If you prefer to listen the audios of each module, you can download them and listen to them while you drive to your office, walk your dog, or work out at the gym. And, like the videos, you can listen to them over and over….and over.

Transcripts of each module and each bonus interview

If you prefer to read, or want to do a quick check of some parts of the training, you’ll have the word-for-word transcript of each module and each bonus interview.

PDF copy of the slides for each of the 6 modules

If you ever want a quick reminder of what was covered in each of the 6 modules or all you need to do is take a quick look at the slides.

Worksheets for each module

We give you worksheets for all 6 modules to help you integrate your learnings and apply them to your practice with clients.

6 bonus interviews with leading sexuality experts

We’ve got 6 juicy bonus interviews with leading therapists and researchers in the male sexuality and sex therapy field. These interviews enhance the materials presented by Dr. Kort and provide a wealth of information.

2 Q&A Video Recordings

2 Q&A video recordings where Dr. Kort answers 31 of key questions he’s been asked about male sexuality.
The videos are time-stamped so you can listen to the answers to the specific questions you may be wondering about.

Certificate of Completion

You’ll receive a personalized certificate of completion for over 12.5 hours of training. You may be able to use this to get continuing education credits with your professional association.
*AASECT members are eligible for 9.5 CEUs.

180 days access to the materials (or download them and keep them forever)

You have 180 days (6 months) access to the materials in our learning center. BUT, we encourage you to download the materials so you can keep them forever.

Knowing the distinction between "out of control sexual behaviors” as opposed to "sexual addiction” has made a big difference in my work.

I’ve taken several of Joe’s workshops over the last few years and have found them to be incredibly valuable. One of the important things I have learned is the distinction between “out of control sexual behaviors” as opposed to “sexual addiction” and why it matters so much when treating clients. Knowing this has made a big difference in my work.

I also found his couples workshop amazing. Joe is very entertaining when he speaks, he makes the information memorable.


Paula Kirsch

Therapist, Royal Oak, Michigan

Get up to date on the latest research and treatment models on male sexuality for helping men and couples.

Don’t be left behind on learning this important and leading-edge information.
Be one of the few therapists trained in these areas.
You’ll be confident that you can help men and their partners when they present with a sexual concern.

1 payment - $347


Joe is amazing. The way he presents information that is considered taboo and makes it feel normal, is incredible.

This is a great course. It is very relevant to the work I do with men. I found the idea of separating men’s sexual behaviors from who they are incredibly useful. I work with a lot of men who have sexual shame so I am looking forward to bringing this perspective into my practice. Joe is amazing. The way he presents information that is considered taboo and makes it feel normal, is incredible. It is very powerful and validating.

Howard Todd-Collins

Therapist, Melbourne, Australia

Ready to join?

1 payment - $347


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Regardless of the clients you work with in therapy, sexuality issues often come up – especially if you’re comfortable asking your clients about them.

Previous participants of this course stated that one of the key benefits they received was becoming more comfortable discussing sexual issues with their clients and knowing what to say and when to say it.

Absolutely! This course is for therapists who work with men, women, and couples. The information you gain about male sexuality will be helpful to your female clients in their intimate relationships. It can help them understand their male partners better and help them negotiate their relationships with men so that they can better get their needs met.

It depends on what kind of training you’ve done. If you were trained in the emerging and alternative views presented by the experts in this course (or some of their colleagues), then perhaps not.

If, however, you’ve not been exposed to these perspectives, we say absolutely yes. In this case, your learning will be immense. We suggest you read the course details and benefits of taking the course on the website and decide if it will be helpful to you.

All the modules and video bonuses are pre-recorded. You’ll have access as soon as you register. You can watch the videos, listen to the audios and/or read the transcripts at your convenience. There are also several Bonus PDF documents that you can access whenever you wish.

The course is on sale for $197 (regular price is $347)
You can register here.

USA residents pay $347 $197 USD.

Canadian residents pay $347 $197 Canadian Dollars.

Australian and New Zealand residents pay $347 $197 Australian Dollars.

NOTE: Australians will also pay GST.

We have a 7-day refund policy.

You will receive a certificate of completion for 12.5 hours of instruction once you complete a short quiz. 

Additionally, AASECT members will receive 9.5 CEUs. 

We are not approved for CEUS for others organizations. However, You’ll have to check with your professional association or licensing board to see if they will give you credit for the course.

You will have access to the materials for 180 Days (6 months). However, you can download all materials and save them forever.

Take the course for a
7-DAY test drive!

You have 7 days from your date of purchase to check out the course. If you decide the course is not what you want, we’ll refund 100% of your fee.

save now

1 payment - $347


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