
Internal Family Systems Therapy: Helping Clients Embrace and Heal Their Inner Parts

Therapists and Wellness Professionals:

If you want to learn an innovative, evidence-based therapy approach that therapists rave about, this course is for you.

The course is taught by Colleen West, a Trauma-Informed Certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapist and Approved Consultant.

This course has 11 hours of content.

Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) has taken the PSychotherapy field by storm...But Why?

IFS has rapidly become an approach that therapists have been flocking to. If you’re unfamiliar with the modality, you may wonder what all the fuss is about.

Here’s the scoop on some of the many reasons IFS has become so popular:

  1. IFS offers a holistic and comprehensive approach.
    The model is holistic, integrating aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. It acknowledges the multiplicity of the mind, recognizing that individuals consist of various ‘parts’, each with its unique perspectives, feelings, and histories. This resonates with clients’ intuitive understanding of their internal experiences.
  2. IFS is a structured yet intuitive model that therapists find easy to implement.
    The IFS framework provides a roadmap for guiding clients through the process of self-exploration and healing. Yet, despite this structure, the approach feels natural because it mirrors how individuals experience their internal worlds. 
  3. IFS has a non-pathological perspective. 
    IFS views all parts as serving a function within a client’s internal system. All parts have inherent worth and positive intentions, even if they do not serve the client’s best interests at any time.
     IFS sees parts as doing their best to protect the individual based on past experiences. 
  4. IFS encourages clients’ Self-leadership.
    IFS helps clients to access their inner strength and wisdom. This leads to client empowerment and a more lasting and profound healing.
  5. IFS posits that everyone has a core Self.
    This core Self is characterized by qualities such as compassion, curiosity, calmness, and clarity. Rather than emphasizing therapist-driven interventions, IFS focuses on accessing and strengthening this Self to lead the healing process. 
  6. IFS provides a direct path to healing trauma.
    IFS provides a structured way to safely access and heal traumatic memories without overwhelming the client. By first ensuring that the Self is leading and that parts are willing to step back, IFS allows for healing trauma without the client having to “relive” the traumatic experience in a re-traumatizing way.
  7. IFS enhances the therapist’s awareness and presence. 
    IFS encourages you, as a therapist, to work with your own ‘parts’ in the therapy process. By recognizing how these parts influence your thoughts, feelings, and reactions, you can maintain a state of Self-leadership, resulting in greater progress with the client.
  8. IFS is flexible and can be used with other approaches.
    The IFS model is highly adaptable and can be integrated with other therapeutic techniques and modalities.
  9. IFS is evidence-based.
    IFS is research-supported and continuously evolving. Numerous research studies have validated its efficacy.

IFS has rapidly become an approach that therapists have been flocking to. If you’re unfamiliar with the modality, you may wonder what all the fuss is about.

Here’s the scoop on some of the many reasons IFS has become so popular:

  1. IFS offers a holistic and comprehensive approach.
    The model is holistic, integrating aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. It acknowledges the multiplicity of the mind, recognizing that individuals consist of various ‘parts,’ each with its unique perspectives, feelings, and histories. This resonates with clients’ intuitive understanding of their internal experiences.
  2. IFS is a structured yet intuitive model that therapists find easy to implement. The IFS framework provides a roadmap for guiding clients through the process of self-exploration and healing. Yet, despite this structure, the approach feels natural because it mirrors how individuals experience their internal worlds. 
  3. IFS has a non-pathological perspective. 
    IFS views all parts as serving a function within a client’s internal system. All parts have inherent worth and positive intentions, even if they do not serve the client’s best interests at any particular time.
    IFS sees parts as doing their best to protect the individual based on past experiences. This view encourages compassion and curiosity instead of judgment.
  4. IFS encourages clients’ Self-leadership.
    IFS helps clients to access their inner strength and wisdom. This leads to client empowerment and contributes to a more lasting and profound healing.
  5. IFS posits that everyone has a core Self.
    This core Self is characterized by qualities such as compassion, curiosity, calmness, and clarity. Rather than emphasizing therapist-driven interventions, IFS focuses on accessing and strengthening this Self to lead the healing process. 
  6. IFS provides a direct path to healing trauma.
    IFS provides a structured way to safely access and heal traumatic memories without overwhelming the client. By first ensuring that the Self is leading and that parts are willing to step back, it allows for healing trauma without the client having to “relive” the traumatic experience in a re-traumatizing way.
  7. IFS enhances the therapist’s awareness and presence. 
    IFS encourages you, as a therapist, to work with your own ‘parts’ in the therapy process. By recognizing how these parts influence your thoughts, feelings, and reactions, you can maintain a state of Self-leadership as you work with the client.
  8. IFS is flexible and can be used with other approaches.
    The IFS model is highly adaptable and can be integrated with other therapeutic techniques and modalities.
  9. IFS is evidence-based.
    IFS is both evidence-supported and continuously evolving. It has been the subject of numerous research studies that validate its efficacy.

“After 3 years of being a client in various therapy modalities,
I did 5 sessions of IFS that were life-changing."

Before experiencing IFS, the therapy that I did worked for a while, but eventually, I’d regress. After only 5 sessions of IFS, I made significant changes that have stuck with me. Needless to say, I was thrilled to take the IFS course. It was amazing! I learned so much.

IFS is like learning a new language – it molds your brain in a way that, for me, has been permanent.

The course was well organized—the concepts were clearly stated, yet the information was very rich. Colleen’s presentation of the theory first, then sharing examples, and then doing a live demonstration was helpful. This enabled me to integrate the lessons much better than I would have otherwise.

I also found the additional interviews very useful. Living in Northern Ireland, I didn’t realize how much our historical conflict still impacts everyone and how it has caused transgenerational trauma. I will definitely listen for this more in my clients from now on. The interview on neurodiversity was also beneficial, especially as it related to adapting IFS to neurodiverse clients.

Even when I’m not using IFS with clients, I’ll be listening for clients’ parts to better understand them. IFS is now embedded in my way of thinking.

I was so excited about the course that I shared my enthusiasm with my classmates. Many are now eager to take the course.

Thank you so much for this excellent training!

julie Donelly

 Integrative Counsellor
Craigavon, Northern Ireland

Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Course:

  • Gain an understanding of the Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) approach
  • Obtain the ability to identify and embody the concept of  “Self” as the agent of change within therapy 
  • Learn the various parts that exist within individuals, their protective roles and how they can facilitate healing 
  • Understand the therapist’s role in IFS and the impact of the therapist’s parts on the therapeutic process
  • Develop strategies for identifying, befriending, and appreciating “protector” parts, especially when dealing with complex trauma
  • Understand how effective IFS is when working with trauma, depression, anxiety, and addictions 
  • Acquire knowledge about how IFS can be used with a range of populations
  • Learn how easily IFS can be integrated with other therapeutic approaches
  • Enhance your understanding of the application of IFS in practice by observing demonstration sessions with therapists who volunteered to be clients

Meet Colleen West, Trauma-Informed IFS Certified Therapist, Trainer & Approved Consultant

Colleen West is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 20 years of experience helping clients overcome simple and complex trauma.

As an IFS Certified Therapist and Approved Consultant, she devotes herself to training and mentoring psychotherapists and writing. Colleen integrates family systems, attachment theory, sensorimotor, and EMDR therapies into her trainings and consultations.

Colleen is the author of We All Have Parts: An Illustrated Guide to Healing Preverbal Trauma and The IFS Flip Chart. 

"This course was phenomenal!"

The course was very in-depth and rich with helpful tools and strategies. Colleen teaches in a beautiful way – the pace and flow made it easy to understand.

The somatic exercises and the way the course integrated dealing with trauma, families, and inner child work really stood out to me. IFS is a valuable tool that I can use with my clients, especially with adults who have experienced significant trauma.

This course has challenged me and expanded my self-awareness and ways of thinking in ways I hadn’t anticipated. I have started to think more about my clients’ parts in sessions and will be thinking about how I can incorporate IFS into my way of working.

I am enriched by the course and feel honored and blessed to have learned the Internal Family Systems model.

Thank you.


Alyssa jackson

Mental Health Therapist, Kelowna, BC

The course details are below, but if you're ready to sign-up, here you Go...

1 payment - $447


2 MOnthly payments - $227

2x $170

"When I tried IFS with a client, I was amazed at the profound impact it had."

This course was well done – it was easy to digest and understand. The demonstrations were particularly helpful. It is clear that Colleen is an expert in IFS and passionate about it.

As I watched the course videos, I could see how I could apply what I learned to clients I currently work with in therapy.

I love the simple framework of IFS and the idea that there are no “bad” parts within a person. All parts serve a protective function.

I also appreciate the emphasis on the therapist’s role and the importance of being aware of one’s own parts when working with clients.

I now think of my client’s parts as I listen to them even when not actively using IFS.

I found the course very useful – thank you!

Kristen Hunninen

Licensed Professional Counselor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 

Topics in the 9 Pre-recorded Course Modules

Module 1: IFS Basic Concepts (PRE-RECORDED)

Module 1: IFS BaSic Concepts (PRE-RECORDED)

Module 1 covers the origins of IFS and its foundational principles. You’ll discover how IFS views the multiplicity of the psyche, its parts,  and its perspective on healing.

Module 2: Blending, Burdens and Self (PRE-RECORDED)

In this module, Colleen dives deeper into the concepts of IFS and how one’s parts play a protective role in the individual. She discusses the “burdens” one carries within their parts and the “unburdening” process. Finally, Colleen explains IFS’s concept and role of “Self,” which is the core essence of the individual.

Module 2: Blending, Burdens and Self

Module 3: IFS in Action: Demonstration#1

Module 3: IFS in Action: Demonstration #1 (PRE-RECORDED)

In Module 3, Colleen conducts a live session with a therapist volunteer regarding her challenges around boundary setting, needing to protect herself, and feeling the need to meet others’ expectations. 

Throughout the demonstration, various techniques are utilized, encouraging dialogue between the volunteer client and her parts.  The client feels various emotions during the session, from tenderness and frustration to sadness and pride, as she engages with her parts and begins the healing process.

Module 4: The Role of the Therapist - Creative Ways to "Unblend" (PRE-RECORDED)

In this module, Colleen explains the unique role of the therapist in IFS.  She discusses the importance of the therapist connecting with their own “Self-energy,” increasing awareness of their parts in order to interact with clients without an agenda.  

Colleen shares several exercises the therapist can use to avoid or detangle themselves from triggers during the therapy session.

In this module, you’ll also be led through an experiential exercise regarding your role as a therapist when practicing IFS.

Module 4: The Role of the Therapist - Creative Ways to "Unblend"

Module 5: Diagnosis, Dissociation, Polarizations, AND unburdening

Module 5: Diagnosis, Dissociation, Polarizations, AND unburdening (PRE-RECORDED)

In Module 5, you’ll learn IFS’s perspective on psychological issues and how vastly different this view is from the DSM-5. 

Colleen explains how dissociation is seen in IFS. The concept of “polarizations” (conflicts between parts) is introduced, and how these can create a range of psychological and physical symptoms. 

Colleen further discusses how to help clients release the “burdens” carried by their “exiled” parts.

Module 6: IFS in Action: Demonstration #2

Module 6: IFS in Action: Demonstration #2 (PRE-RECORDED)

In Module 6, Colleen works with a therapist volunteer who experienced a recent flood in her clinic.

The individual expressed feelings of overwhelming panic and helplessness.

Through Colleen’s facilitation, the individual comes to recognize, accept, and negotiate with her parts, leading to a significant shift in their roles and perceptions.  The session created a profound internal change towards self-healing and resilience.

Module 7: Integrating IFS INto Other Therapy Approaches

Module 7 outlines 2 main ways therapists can easily incorporate IFS when using other therapeutic approaches.
Colleen explains how using these techniques can enhance your work with your clients, potentially bringing about better outcomes.

You’ll also be led through an experiential exercise where you get in touch with your pro-active, “manager” part and the role this plays as a therapist.

Module 7: Integrating IFS INto Other Therapy Approaches

Module 8: Addictive and Compulsive Parts

Module 8: Addictive and Compulsive Parts

In Module 8, Colleen shares how addictive and compulsive behaviors are viewed with IFS and how to work with them within the IFS model.

Colleen also leads you through an experiential exercise where a part of you engages in self-soothing behavior.

Module 9: IFS in Action: Demonstration #3

Module 9: IFS in Action: Demonstration #3

In Module 9, Colleen conducts a demonstration with a therapist volunteer who explores her reactions to clients who demand quick solutions or exhibit defensive behavior in couples therapy.

Colleen guides the therapist through identifying and interacting with her inner parts that feel torn between meeting clients’ demands and maintaining therapeutic integrity.

Through the session, the volunteer learns to manage these parts, allowing her to stay present and more effectively guide her clients. 

You Also Get 3 Bonuses With This Course

Bonus 1 [Video Interview]

Bonus 1 [Video Interview]

Befriending Parts: Using IFS in a Self-Guided Way with Tammy Sollenberger [Video, Audio & Transcript]

This interview focuses on how individuals use IFS in a self-guided way. Tammy Sollenberger introduces the concept of using IFS on oneself, highlighting the importance of recognizing and befriending different parts of oneself outside of therapy sessions.

She shares the self-guided IFS process and discusses the challenges one might face when using IFS on one’s own and how therapists can support clients in using IFS with themselves outside of therapy.

The interview ends with an insightful demonstration with Clinton Power in which he experiences a big shift in resolving an internal conflict.

Bonus 2 [Video Interview]

Candace Oglesby
Tasha Hunter

Bonus 2 [Video Interview]

Empowering Marginalized Communities: Combining IFS, Ketamine Therapy, and Anti-Oppression Strategies with Candace Olgesby and Tasha Hunter [Video, Audio & Transcript]

As the title suggests, this interview focuses on how therapists Candace Olegsby and Tasha Hunter use IFS in conjunction with ketamine therapy while focusing on anti-oppression strategies with black and brown clients.

They discuss how ketamine therapy when combined with IFS, offers a unique and gentle approach that allows clients to explore their internal systems, address intergenerational trauma, and work towards healing in a non-pathologizing manner.

Candace and Tanya also express the importance of cultural humility in therapy when working with historically marginalized groups.

Bonus 3 [Video Interview]

Bonus 3 [Video Interview]

Beyond the Diagnosis: IFS for Neurodiversity with Heather Genschmer [Video, Audio & Transcript]

In this interview,  therapist, Heather Genschmer explains how she uses IFS with neurodiverse clients and why IFS is particularly effective with them.

She outlines her method of incorporating IFS with other therapeutic techniques and confronts the challenges specific to implementing IFS with neurodiverse individuals, offering solutions for overcoming these obstacles.

Bonus 4: IFS Resource List [PDF Document]

Bonus 4: IFS Resource List [PDF Document]

A list of further reading about Internal Family Systems Therapy is included with the course.


In this 1 hour webinar session, Colleen will further expand on the concepts of the course as she answers questions and performs mini-demonstrations.

**You’ll get the most value out of the course by attending this live interactive session. You’ll be able to participate via video and ask any questions.

 **You can turn your video off if you don’t want to be seen during the session.

However, if you can’t attend the live session, you can submit questions for the session beforehand, as it will be recorded.

The video and audio recordings of the experiential session will be available within 48 hours after the live session is over.


1 Live Webinar - "Chat with Colleen" - IFS in Action


February 20, 2025

 1-2pm PT /4-5pm ET

UNIted Kingdom

February 20, 2025

  9pm- 10pm


February 21, 2025

 8-9am Sydney, Australia


In addition to the live “Chat with Colleen” session described above, we’ve included 2 previously recorded sessions in which Colleen answers key questions about IFS and engages in experiential work with past course participants. There is nothing like seeing IFS in action. 



"The course was mind-blowing! I got so much more out of it than I expected!"

I am so excited about this course. It was not just the content, which itself was great, but the way it was taught made it easily understandable and immediately applicable.

I had worked similarly with my clients before, but the course gave me helpful language and a structure I could use with clients.

I loved how Colleen gave so many examples in the course. She exudes calm energy. Her modeling of how she works with her “Self-energy” and acknowledging when she was not in tune with it during her demonstrations was enlightening.

The course has been life-changing for me. It provided insights and tools that I will carry with me throughout my professional and personal life. The experiential components were particularly impactful, allowing me to see many parts of myself that I wasn’t aware of before.

I have been reflecting on clients I worked with in the past where I got stuck and didn’t know where to go with them. Now, seeing them through the IFS lens, it is clear to me what I could have done.

I recently saw a client who was dissociating. In the past, I would have been overwhelmed and afraid and not known what to do. However, because I now have IFS, I knew exactly what to do. The client left the session feeling calm with a new understanding and acceptance of her parts. It was very gratifying.

I am so grateful I took the course. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone curious about deepening their understanding of themselves and enhancing their therapeutic skills. It’s a profound tool for self-discovery and professional development, offering a structured yet intuitive approach to parts work. 

Alexandra zapata

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Toronto, Ontario

Ready to join us?

The course has 11 hours of high-value content that you can download and keep forever, including  3 demonstrations of IFS, guided experiential exercises, and 3 bonus interviews on specific IFS topics.

This may be one of the most useful courses you take this year.
Want to give it a 7-day trial? 

Register, and if you don’t find the course useful within 7 days, you can ask for your money back…

1 payment - $447


2 monthly payments - $227

2 x $170

Summary of What You Get in ThiS CoursE

  • 9 pre-recorded modules explaining the IFS approach, including examples 
  • 3 video recorded demonstrations where Colleen works with a therapist volunteer client
  • Guided experiential exercises where you can experience IFS firsthand 
  •  Downloadable videos, audios, and transcripts of the materials
  •  Worksheets for each module to help integrate your learning
  •  1 live “Chat with Colleen”  webinar. Ask questions and experience IFS in action (yes, this will be recorded)
  •  2 hours of recorded “Chat with Colleen” Sessions
  •  3 pre-recorded bonus interviews on specific topics with IFS therapists 
  • A Resource List on IFS  [PDF Document]
  •  The ability to download all materials and keep them forever (Yay!)
  •  Certificate of completion for 11 hours of instruction
  • 7-Day Money-back guarantee  – if you decide the course isn’t for you,  you can request a refund within 7 days of purchase

As you can see, THis Course offers a lot of value...

1 payment - $447


2 Monthly payments- $227

2x $170

"This course offered me more than learning about IFS - It was a journey of personal and professional growth."

As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I’m deeply fascinated by systems theory. Discovering IFS was a revelation, as it aligned perfectly with my passion for a non-pathologizing, introspective approach to therapy.
The course exceeded my expectations in many ways, especially in addressing questions I hadn’t even realized I had about IFS.

Focusing on the therapist’s role in self-reflection and self-awareness was transformative for me. It helps with my own personal growth, which will, in turn, enhance my ability to help others.

The experiential moments during the training were exceptional. Being encouraged to engage with the material on a personal level not only solidified my grasp of IFS concepts but underscored the model’s profound potential for facilitating genuine transformation.

Furthermore, the parallels I drew between IFS’s approach to healing and my own transformative spiritual experiences were particularly meaningful.

 I now have a powerful framework for working with clients that will enrich my practice immensely.

I highly recommend this course to any therapist looking to enrich their therapeutic practice with a model that embraces complexity, compassion, and self-awareness.

Robert Reese

Marriage and Family Therapist
West Harrison, Indiana

Not Sure This Course is for You?

Perhaps you’re on the fence about taking this course for one or more of these reasons:

1. you already discuss clients’ parts in your work. you’re not sure you need this course.

Yes, most therapists address parts of clients at some point in sessions. The difference with IFS is that it provides a structure and a language for identifying and working with parts, ultimately leading to resolving issues. The healing that results from IFS therapy is often permanent.


We get it. There are so many courses on therapy approaches available, and you’ve likely been trained in a lot of them already. Depending on your specific situation, you may not want or need more training.

On the other hand, IFS has become increasingly popular over the years, and there is a high demand for training in this highly effective model. As demand for it increases, you may want to be knowledgeable of this approach.

3. You’re Concerned that IFS may not work well with the therapy approaches you use now.

IFS is a model that can complement and be integrated with various other therapeutic approaches. It can add another effective tool to your toolbox.

The core principles of IFS, such as the belief in the multiplicity of the mind and the healing potential of the Self, are compatible with many therapeutic philosophies and can offer another perspective, enhancing your effectiveness. 

4. You Wonder how much evidence IFS is based upon.

IFS has gained increasing traction in the research community due to its effectiveness and versatility.

Studies have explored the efficacy of IFS in treating a variety of issues, such as trauma, anxiety, depression, and self-esteem problems, among others. The research has increasingly supported IFS as an effective treatment modality.

5. You Wonder if IFS is appropriate and effective for diverse populations, including individuals from various cultural backgrounds, lifestyles, sexual orientations, genders, races, and ethnicities.

IFS is highly versatile. It can be used with virtually any population. Colleen addresses this in the course. One of the interviews included in the course is with 2 black therapists who work with black and brown clients.
Another interview is with a therapist who has adapted IFS to work with neurodiverse clients.

The bottom line is…

If you want to learn a highly sought-after approach that is intuitive, highly effective, and easily integrates with your current methods, this course is perfect for you.

Get started

1 payment - $447


2 monthly payments - $227

2X $170

Frequently Asked Questions

The course is geared toward psychotherapists, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and any other helping professional who wants to learn about the very popular approach of Internal Family Systems Therapy.

This is an introductory-level course in IFS.  We offer a certificate for 11 hours of training indicating you took the course but it does not certify you in IFS.

It is both.

The core content consists of 9 pre-recorded modules including 3 demonstrations of IFS in action.
We also have 3 Bonus interviews with IFS therapists on specific topics and a resource list. 

The 9 pre-recorded modules, including the 3 demonstrations of IFS in action are available immediately upon registering for the course.


The 3 bonus interviews are available immediately upon registering:
They include 3 pre-recorded interviews with IFS therapists and a PDF document with a resource list.


In the live 60- minute webinar session, you can ask Colleen questions and experience IFS in action.


North America: February 20, 2025 from 1-2 pm Pacific/4-5 pm Eastern

UK: February 20, 2025, from 9pm-10pm.

Australia (Sydney): February 21, 2025, from 8-9am.

New Zealand (Auckland): February 21, 2025, 10-11am


We have a 60-minute live webinar “Chat with Colleen” session where you ask questions and experience IFS in action. This is held on Zoom.

North America: February 20, 2025 from 1-2 pm Pacific /4-5 pm Eastern

UK:  February 20, 2025 from 9-10 pm 

Australia (Sydney): February 21, 2025 from 8-9 am (Sydney)

New Zealand (Auckland): February 21, 2025 from 10-11 am 

We strongly encourage you to attend the live session with Colleen to get the most value out of the course. However, If you can’t attend the live session, you can submit questions ahead of time.

Colleen will then answer your questions on the webinar, and you can listen to the recording afterward (video recording will be available within 48 hours after the live webinar is held)

Yes. The video and audio recording of the  live “Chat with Colleen” session will be available in the Learning Center within 48 hours after it is held.

1 PAYMENT OPTION:  $327 (Reduced from $447)
$327 CAD for Canadian residents (No GST)
$327 AUD  for Australian and New Zealand residents (Australians add GST)
$327 USD for Americans and all other residents.
2 monthly payments of $170 (Reduced from 2x $227)
2 payments of $170 CAD spaced 30 days apart (for Canadian residents – No GST)
2 payments of $170 AUD spaced 30 days apart (Australian residents add GST)
2 payments of $170 USD for USA and all other residents

If you don’t receive value from the course (highly unlikely) after 7 days of registering, you can ask for your money back.

You can download your certificate for 11 hours of course content once you pass the short course quiz.

CEUs – We are not officially approved for most CEU’s. We will give you a certificate of completion for the course. You’ll have to check with your professional association or licensing board to see if they’ll provide you with CEUs.

CEC’s – CCPA (Canadian Counselling Association). CCPA will give CECs if you submit  your certificate to them.

OPDs  – ACA (Australian Counselling Association)
10 OPD (Ongoing Professional Development) points

CPDs  – PACFA (Psychotherapists and Counsellors Federation of Australia)
11 hours of category A CPD

You will have access to the materials in the learning center for 180 days (6 months) from the date you signed up for the course.

However, you can download all materials and save them forever.

"I loved this course!"

Addressing our clients and our own parts is at the core of therapy.
Taking the course helped to enhance my approach to therapy. I already worked in the voice dialogue modality, which is similar to IFS, but I learned much more that I can immediately apply to my work.

One thing that struck me about the course was its emphasis on the therapist’s role as a facilitator rather than an authoritative figure with all the answers.

The course demonstration sessions were eye-opening. They provided practical insights into integrating IFS into therapy, particularly highlighting the importance of therapist self-awareness.

Moreover, the structured approach, the flow, and the clarity of the course content made the learning experience engaging and insightful.

I used IFS with a client this morning, which was incredibly powerful. I was preparing beforehand, connecting with myself, and reminding myself to be aware during the session, which significantly impacted the outcome. The client sent me a text afterward, mentioning how much energy was released from their grief and how powerful the experience was for her.
I am so happy I took the course!

Meeli Laane

Grief Counsellor
Tallinn, Estonia

Take the course for a
test drive for 7 days!

If you don’t find value after 7 days (highly unlikely), we’ll refund 100% of your fee.

Register now...

1 payment - $447


2 monthly payments - $227

2X $170

still have questions?

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