
Facts About Women's Sexuality: What Individual and Couples Therapists Need to Know

 “These videos are amazing in how they discuss the range of factors that impact a woman’s sexuality and desire.”

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Dr. Stephanie Buehler
Hosted by the Mind Body Training Institute

Sexuality is a part of being human and impacts on your clients’ lives in significant ways.

YET – many NON-sex therapists don’t ask about women’s sexuality in individual and couples therapy.

The reasons therapists don’t address women’s sexuality include:

1) they don’t know what to ask or how to discuss it
2) they lack knowledge and training in sexuality
3) they’re uncomfortable discussing sexuality
4) they mistakenly believe that sexuality is not part of mental health

This free training series aims to take a step towards rectifying this widespread problem.

What You'll Discover in this FREE Training:

  • 5 myths about women’s sexuality and why they continue to prevail
  • The latest research on female sexuality
  • Socio-cultural issues and how they impact on women’s sexuality
  • 3 case study examples of clients who were helped by sex therapy
  • How to become a more effective individual and couples therapist by addressing women’s sexuality in therapy

Facts About Women's Sexuality: What Individual and Couples Therapists Need to Know

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